Tattoos have been used as a form of body beautification for centuries. Henna, for example, has been used to dye skin and hair since antiquity. I have the honour and pleasure of belonging to a diverse family and having a Muslim sister-in-law who occasionally adorns the beautiful designs.
As a Christian Image Consultant I often come across clients (both corporate and individual) who are entirely opposed to the act of people putting dye on skin, or ink under their skin resulting in writings or images appearing on the surface of the skin – tattoos. Reference is always made to Leviticus 19 verse 28 which states “And a cutting for the dead you will not make in your flesh; and writing marks you will not make on you; I am the Lord”.
When I worked in Human Resources in a financial institution many years ago I certainly had tattoo bias during a recruitment and selection process. A conversation with a colleague who still works in Human Resources revealed that this bias still persists among the older generation of recruiters. In his words his perception is that“tattoos are for hippies”. Fortunately, I did not ever have to make that choice because in the corporate setting in our country it is generally accepted that if one has any tattoos they are in hidden areas, not for public viewing, expertly covered by clothing.

Years after leaving my role in Human Resources in corporate having obtained a beauty therapy qualification and an Image Consultant and Stylist certification I now have been exposed to tattoos in a different light. Knowledge is indeed power. Semi-permanent and permanent make up is a very efficient and effective image management tool.
Micro-blading gives one the ability to look polished from the time you wake up, after an intense work-out and even at the end of the day
It is waterproof so whether you’re at the gym, at the beach it will not wash off.
It is smudge-proof so an accidental brush of the hand against your brow will now rub it off.
It saves you an incredible amount of time that you would have spent daily in front of the mirror when you could be making more important boss-lady, world-changing decisions.
You have fewer cosmetics to buy and refill and your cosmetics bag is lighter.
Permanent make up is an incredible confidence booster – if you have a hairline loss issue, if your eyebrows are thin, if you like to always have an eyeliner look or even if you want your lips to be even-toned pink or red.

My professional opinion is that permanent make up is a good investment in yourself.
In answer to my fellow believers in Christ Jesus – there are many laws in Leviticus that we as Christians are realistically unable to follow. In addition, I realise that some laws must be taken in the context that they were specifically for the Jews at that time. Did you know, for example, that Leviticus prohibits the children of Israel from“wearing fabrics woven from two different materials”Leviticus 19v19. How many of us ever stop to consider if we are wearing blended fabrics?
I have had the privilege to speak to people who have had tattoos of either bible verses, names of loved ones, reminders of life-changing moments or symbols of survival and overcoming.

When deciding on the tattoo route either as make up option or as an inscription or image on any area of your skin be sure to carefully consider the pros/cons, medical risks and your personal motives. Certainly, employers in traditional corporate settings are still not accepting of tattoos (and piercings) that are visible on your face, neck, arms, hands and legs. In such instances make up, camouflage cream, scarfs, long sleeved shirts and stockings or trousers would be ideal for covering up your tattoo/s.
What is your view of tattoos in relation to a person’s image?
As an employer would you employ a candidate who has visible tattoos?
Does your line of work allow for you to display your tattoos?